Cus­tom­er centred ser­vices

User-driven digit­al and tech­no­lo­gic­al solu­tions

One of the com­pet­ence areas in Kare­lia Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­ences is test­ing dif­fer­ent digit­al and tech­no­lo­gic­al solu­tions in older people’s daily life and ser­vices. In par­tic­u­lar, the idea is to devel­op tech­no­lo­gic­al solu­tions for build­ing an age-friendly soci­ety in a region with long dis­tances. Siun sote (North Kare­lia Joint Muni­cip­al Author­ity for Social and Health Ser­vices) makes a good part­ner for car­ry­ing out exper­i­ments. Vari­ous exper­i­ments are needed to make tech­no­lo­gic­al solu­tions more useful in social ser­vices and health care in terms of their user friend­li­ness and valid­ity.

The inter­na­tion­al SENDoc pro­ject (NPA) tested the usab­il­ity of dif­fer­ent wear­able sensors in older people’s rehab­il­it­a­tion in a prac­tic­al set­ting. We also tested the accur­acy of the devices and col­lec­ted health care pro­fes­sion­als’ and older people’s exper­i­ences of what using them felt like. Watch the video below for some of the high­lights of this pro­ject.

Age-friendly busi­ness & Silver Eco­nomy

Kare­lia UAS has made sus­tained efforts to devel­op the Silver Eco­nomy think­ing and the model of Age-friendly busi­ness. The Age know­ledge ABC pro­ject (2013) developed train­ing for com­pan­ies on encoun­ter­ing older people in cus­tom­er ser­vice. The pro­ject pro­duced a guide titled Age know­ledge ABC – age know­ledge to North Kare­li­an cus­tom­er ser­vice (Jämsén Arja ed. 2013).

A pub­lic­a­tion titled Ikäys­täväl­lin­en yritys – seni­ori­asiakkaat tulevat (‘Age-friendly busi­ness – senior cus­tom­ers are coming’, Jämsén, Arja & Kukkon­en Tuula 2017) was pro­duced in the con­text of devel­op­ing the age-friendly enter­prise concept.

The Silver Eco­nomy pro­ject (2019–2021) provided train­ing to com­pan­ies in North Kare­lia on the themes of age-friend­li­ness, cus­tom­er-centred devel­op­ment and cus­tom­er ser­vice. Atten­tion was also paid to the con­tents and tar­get­ing of mar­ket­ing, joint mar­ket­ing, and digit­al sales and mar­ket­ing chan­nels. The devel­op­ment of more age-friendly ser­vices was sup­por­ted with ser­vice design train­ing and pilots. The out­comes of the pro­ject are repor­ted in the pub­lic­a­tion Yli 50-vuo­tiaat asiakkaat – opas keski-ikäisten ja sitä van­hempi­en asiakkaiden par­em­paan huomi­oim­iseen (‘Cus­tom­ers aged 50+ –  a guide to taking middle-aged and older cus­tom­ers into con­sid­er­a­tion’, Salmin­en Risto (ed.) 2022).

Con­tact / Age-friendly busi­ness: Prin­cip­al Lec­turer Tuula Kukkon­en, +3584675923, [email protected]


Pub­lic­a­tions on the themes of tech­no­logy and digit­al­isa­tion:

CASE example: Using wear­able sensors for remote home rehab­il­it­a­tion (hip arth­ros­is) SENDoc pro­ject

Guidelines on the use of wear­able sensor sys­tems in-home rehab­il­it­a­tion com­bined with remote con­nec­tions (flow­chart and Prac­tice guideline) Alamäki, Nevala, Jalovaara, Barton, Con­dell, Muñoz Esquiv­el, Nord­ström, Kelly, Heaney, Gillespie (2021)

Wear­able Tech­no­logy Sup­por­ted Home Rehab­il­it­a­tion Ser­vices in Rural Areas Alamäki, Nevala, Jalovaara Con­dell, Muñoz Esquiv­el, Nord­ström, Tedesco, Kelly & Heaney (2019)

Pub­lic­a­tions on the Silver Eco­nomy theme:

Ikäys­täväl­lin­en yritys – seni­ori­asiakkaat tulevat (Jämsén & Kukkon­en 2017).

Yli 50-vuo­tiaat asiakkaat – opas keski-ikäisten ja sitä van­hempi­en asiakkaiden par­em­paan huomi­oim­iseen (Salmin­en Risto (ed.) 2022)