
Age-friend­li­ness simply means striv­ing to devel­op age-friendly soci­et­ies and com­munit­ies for older people. In an age-friendly soci­ety and com­munity, older people are seen as active agents and also influ­en­cers. So let’s focus on resources, inclu­sion and agency!

Age-friend­li­ness is part of Kare­li­a’s strategy

Age-friend­li­ness has been a strategy focus area for Kare­lia UAS for over a decade. Pro­mot­ing an age-friendly soci­ety is part of the focus area of Sus­tain­able well-being in a sparsely pop­u­lated area in the Karelia2030 strategy.

We will con­tin­ue to strengthen edu­ca­tion, con­tinu­ous learn­ing ser­vices as well as research, devel­op­ment and innov­a­tion related to ques­tions of ageing to pro­mote an age-friendly soci­ety.

Focus areas for devel­op­ing an age-friendly soci­ety

Our pri­or­it­ies in devel­op­ing age-friend­li­ness are: age-friendly envir­on­mentsmemory-friendly soci­etyage-friendly work­ing life and cus­tom­er-centred ser­vices and solu­tions. Read more about these focus areas below:

User-driven digit­al and tech­no­lo­gic­al solu­tions

Cus­tom­er-centred social and health care ser­vices

Age-friendly ser­vices and busi­ness

Age-friendly living

Age-friendly coun­tryside

Ageing in place


Skills and resources of older work­ers

Extend­ing careers

Job craft­ing

Diversity man­age­ment

Memory health

Mean­ing­ful life of people with memory dis­orders

Atti­tudes and encoun­ters

Family care